Thursday, June 27, 2013

Get The Most Out Of Your Makeup: Summer Edition

Hi!! I recently did a  video for  my youtube channel with this title but I wanted to do it here also. This post is a makeup tutorial for summer time and just using from 4 to 5 beauty products that are multi use products.  For example: a bronzer as an eyeshadow, lipstick as a blush, etc.This is a quick makeup tutorial that you can do when you are in a rush or don't have all of your makeup with you. The next pictures are from the process of doing my makeup and below the pictures there's the video of the makeup tutorial so you can appreciate better the tutorial. Hope you like it :D

Beauty products used:
- Dream Fresh BB Cream in Medium Deep by Maybelline
- Invisible Concealer in Medium by Covergirl
- Bronzer in Warm Tan by ELF
- Scandaleyes Mascara in Extra Black by Rimmel
- Lipstick in Perfect Tulip by Elizabeth Arden
- Pressed Powder in Medium Deep by Avon


  1. BB Cream: I'm applying BB cream that works as a foundation and sunscreen. The BB cream is better for summer because is makes your face feels light.

2. Concealer:  I'm using my concealer for two things: hide the dark circles and acne spots and as a primer. To look more awake, I use a lighter tone of concealer. As a primer, it don't work as good as an ELF primer or Urban Decay but it works somehow.

(Sorry about the lighting on this picture)

3. Bronzer: I'm using the bronzer to contour my face (doing a fish face) and as an eyeshadow. I really like this color for summer on my eyes because it's sparkly and it's a neutral color.

4. Mascara: I'm using the mascara as an eyeliner (applied with an eyeliner brush) and for my lashes. ( Sorry again for the lighting of the pictures)

5. Lipstick: I'm applying a pink color for my cheeks and for my lips. Then I blend the lipstick with my fingers.


Here's my youtube video foe better appreciation of the makeup tutorial :)

Hope you like the video and this post. Tell me in the comments section if you want to see more makeup tutorials, ideas of it and what kind of makeup tutorials.
Please subscribe to my channel and like the videos, I will appreciate it.