Wednesday, June 5, 2013

This or That Tag!

HOLA! First I want to thanks my dear amiga (friend) from high school, Zoe, for tagging me.
So basically this tag is to ask questions about "this or that" products and then tag whoever bloggers you want. I'm  ready to do this so  let's go! :D

1. blush or bronzer: blush
2. lipgloss or lipstick: lipstick
3. eyeliner or mascara: I love wearing mascara
4. foundation or concelaer:concelear
5. neutral or color eyeshadow: neutral
6. pressed or loose eyeshadow: pressed
7. brush or sponge: brush but I use the sponge to apply the BB cream

1. opi or china glaze: opi
2. long or short: short but not that short
3. acrylic or natural: natural
4. brights or darks:  bright colors
5. flower or no flower: flower

1. perfume or splash: I like both of them, but for splash it has to be from Victoria's Secret
2. lotion or body butter: lotion
3. body wash or soap: body wash
4. lush or other bath company:  I don't buy from lush so other bath company

1. jeans or sweat pants: jeans
2. long sleeve or short:  definetely short sleeve beacuse Puerto Rico is HOT
3. dress or skirt:  dress but also skirt, so both
4. stripes or plaid: stripes
5. flip flops or sandals: sandals
6. scarves or hats: scarves but I don't wear too much
7. studs or dangle earrings: I have an everyday studs earrings so studs
8. necklaces or bracelets: necklaces
9. heels or flats:  both
10. cowboy boots or riding boots: riding boots
11. jacket or hoodie: jacket
12. Forever 21 or Charlotte Russe: both, they are my favorite stores
13. Abercrombie or Hollister:  I don't buy in any of these stores but Abercrombie
14. Saks 5th ave or Nordstrom:  again, don't buy in any but Nordstrom

1. curly or striaght:  curly, of course
2. bun or ponytail: bun
3. bobby pins or butterfly clips:  bobby pins
4. hairspray or gel: hairspray
5. long or short:  I had long hair before but now short and I like short hair better
6. light or dark: light
7. side swept bangs or front bangs:  I have curly hair but front bangs
8. up or down: down

1. rain or shine: shine
2. summer or winter: SUMMER
3. fall or spring: spring
4. chocalate or vanilla: chocolate!
5. east coast or west coast: west coast

I tag: 

If you guys do the tag, please link the your post in the comments box. I'll be waiting for your answers. Love to see them.

xx Gina

Be sure to follow me at Bloglovin'


  1. Haha tenemos diferentes gustos. :)

    1. jeje si pero por lo menos en algunas cosas estamos de acuerdo

  2. I'll be doing this really soon! Thanks for the tag :) xx
