Friday, July 26, 2013

Meeting Maia Mitchell and Ross Lynch...Perfect way to finish a great weekend at Disneyland

Hi girls!! Im so excited for this post because I just couldn't believe what happened.I am on vacation in Las Vegas visiting my aunt and cousins. Last weekend, from July 18th to 21st, we took a roadtrip to Disneyland in California and when we were on Downtown Disney, one of my cousins and me went to the Disney 365 store and they had a poster that on Sunday July 21st, Maia Mitchell and Ross Lynch were going to be signing autographs of the Teen Beach movie soundtrack, which both stars are on the movie. I couldn't believe it because it was just coincidence that they were going to be on Disney the same weekend I was. So on July 21st my cousin and me went to the Disney 365 store at 8am to buy the CD. When I bought the CD they gave me a voucher with a number and with that voucher I did the line and got to meet Maia Mitchell and Ross Lynch. I know that I'm 19 years old but hello Disney is where you become a child again and also I love Maia on The Fosters and Ross on Austin and Ally. I have to say that Teen Beach Movie is awesome. I've seen it like 8 times.

I want to share some photos of the meet and signing :D Oh, I almost forgot. On Monday I discovered that Teen Beach Movie was done on my island Puerto Rico. If I knew about this I would probably told them there but I didn't know.

Pictures: (I took them)




  1. Conociste a Ross?? Que suerte la tuya! Tan bello que es el!

    The Caribbean Flower

    1. Siii, en verdad fue suerte y coicidencia. Estoy muerta por el jeje
